csharp loop through array

Code Example - csharp loop through array

                        //iterate the array
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
  // loop ...
// or
foreach (var element in arr)
  // loop ...

loop through string array csharp

                                string[] arr = new string[4]; // Initialize.
        arr[0] = "one";               // Element 1.
        arr[1] = "two";               // Element 2.
        arr[2] = "three";             // Element 3.
        arr[3] = "four";              // Element 4.

        // Loop over strings.
        foreach (string s in arr)

csharp loop string array

                                //Using Linq to itterate over an array
var strArr = new string[4] {"one", "Two", "Three", "Four"};
Console.WriteLine(strArr.Select((s, i) => %%%~COMPRESS~PRE~2~%%%quot;Item no: {i + 1}, Value: {s}"));

csharp loop array

                                Debug.Assert((theData.Length % 3) == 0);  // 'theData' will always be divisible by 3

  for (int i = 0; i < theData.Length; i += 3)
       //grab 3 items at a time and do db insert, 
       // continue until all items are gone..
       string item1 = theData[i+0];
       string item2 = theData[i+1];
       string item3 = theData[i+2];
       // use the items