SHA-512 Hash Generator
Generate a SHA-512 encrypted hash from string
Understanding SHA-512 hash
What is SHA-512 hash?
SHA-512 is a function of cryptographic algorithm SHA-2, which is an evolution of famous SHA-1.
SHA-512 is very close to Sha-256 except that it used 1024 bits "blocks", and accept as input a 2^128 bits maximum length string. SHA-512 also has others algorithmic modifications in comparison with Sha-256.
SHA-512 is identical in structure to SHA-256, but:
- the message is broken into 1024-bit chunks,
- the initial hash values and round constants are extended to 64 bits,
- there are 80 rounds instead of 64,
- the message schedule array has 80 – 64-bit words instead of 64 – 32-bit words,
- to extend the message schedule array w, the loop is from 16 to 79 instead of from 16 to 63,
- the round constants are based on the first 80 primes 2..409,
- the word size used for calculations is 64 bits long,
- the appended length of the message (before pre-processing), in bits, is a 128-bit big-endian integer, and
- the shift and rotate amounts used are different.
For more details on SHA512 hash with example follow this wikipedia link.