What's the current Week Number?

Get current week number according to the ISO-8601 standard.

Current Week Number : 30

Week 30 start date is Monday, 22 July 2024 and end date is Sunday, 28 July 2024 as per ISO-8601 standard.

The ISO week-numbering year starts at the first day (Monday) of week 01 and ends at the Sunday before the new ISO year (hence without overlap or gap). It consists of 52 or 53 full weeks. The first ISO week of a year may have up to three days that are actually in the calendar year that is ending; if three, they are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Similarly, the last ISO week of a year may have up to three days that are actually in the calendar year that is starting; if three, they are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The Thursday of each ISO week is always in the calendar year denoted by the ISO week-numbering year.

There are several mutually equivalent and compatible descriptions of week 01:

  • the week with the year's first Thursday in it (the formal ISO definition),
  • the week with 4 January in it,
  • the first week with the majority (four or more) of its days in the starting year, and
  • the week starting with the Monday in the period 29 December – 4 January.

As a consequence, if 1 January is on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, it is in week 01. If 1 January is on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it is in week 52 or 53 of the previous year (there is no week 00). 28 December is always in the last week of its year.

The week number can be described by counting the Thursdays: week 12 contains the 12th Thursday of the year.

Current year weeks with start and end date :

Week Number Week Start Date Week End Date
01 01 January 2024 07 January 2024
02 08 January 2024 14 January 2024
03 15 January 2024 21 January 2024
04 22 January 2024 28 January 2024
05 29 January 2024 04 February 2024
06 05 February 2024 11 February 2024
07 12 February 2024 18 February 2024
08 19 February 2024 25 February 2024
09 26 February 2024 03 March 2024
10 04 March 2024 10 March 2024
11 11 March 2024 17 March 2024
12 18 March 2024 24 March 2024
13 25 March 2024 31 March 2024
14 01 April 2024 07 April 2024
15 08 April 2024 14 April 2024
16 15 April 2024 21 April 2024
17 22 April 2024 28 April 2024
18 29 April 2024 05 May 2024
19 06 May 2024 12 May 2024
20 13 May 2024 19 May 2024
21 20 May 2024 26 May 2024
22 27 May 2024 02 June 2024
23 03 June 2024 09 June 2024
24 10 June 2024 16 June 2024
25 17 June 2024 23 June 2024
26 24 June 2024 30 June 2024
27 01 July 2024 07 July 2024
28 08 July 2024 14 July 2024
29 15 July 2024 21 July 2024
30 22 July 2024 28 July 2024
31 29 July 2024 04 August 2024
32 05 August 2024 11 August 2024
33 12 August 2024 18 August 2024
34 19 August 2024 25 August 2024
35 26 August 2024 01 September 2024
36 02 September 2024 08 September 2024
37 09 September 2024 15 September 2024
38 16 September 2024 22 September 2024
39 23 September 2024 29 September 2024
40 30 September 2024 06 October 2024
41 07 October 2024 13 October 2024
42 14 October 2024 20 October 2024
43 21 October 2024 27 October 2024
44 28 October 2024 03 November 2024
45 04 November 2024 10 November 2024
46 11 November 2024 17 November 2024
47 18 November 2024 24 November 2024
48 25 November 2024 01 December 2024
49 02 December 2024 08 December 2024
50 09 December 2024 15 December 2024
51 16 December 2024 22 December 2024
52 23 December 2024 29 December 2024
53 30 December 2024 05 January 2025