csharp check lenght

Code Example - csharp check lenght

                        'something'.Length; //Returns the length of whatever you check

string length csharp

                                string name = "Anthony";
int nameLength = name.Length;
Console.WriteLine("The name " + name + " contains " + nameLength + "letters.");

length of a string csharp

                                string s = "Corona123";
int sizeOfString = s.Length;

how to get a length of a string in csharp

                                string string1 = "A man i hurry just jumped on a tail of a dog and dog has bitten him damagingly";
//get length if string

csharp string length

                                string a = "One example";
Console.WriteLine("LENGTH: " + a.Length);
// This code outputs 11

string length f#


csharp check word length

                                Console.Write("Write a word ");
string Word = Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine("The word you wrote has " + Word.Length + " characters in it");

for (int i = 0; i < Word.Length; i++)
	Console.WriteLine("Index " + i + " is " + Word[i]);