c sharp split string

Code Example - c sharp split string

                        // To split a string use 'Split()', you can choose where to split
string text = "Hello World!"
string[] textSplit = text.Split(" ");
// Output:
// ["Hello", "World!"]

split on uppercase csharp

                                string[] split =  Regex.Split(str, @"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])");

csharp split a string and return list

                                listStrLineElements = line.Split(',').ToList();

csharp split text by spaces

                                string[] temp = yourString.Split(' ');
label1.Text = temp[0];
label2.Text = temp[1];
label3.Text = temp[2];

parse strings into words csharp

                                string text = "Hello World!"
string[] textSplit = text.Split();

how to split concat string csharp

                                string restOfArray = array[1];

how consider the first caracter in Split csharp

                                Considerar somente a primeira string especificada para realizar o split
You can specify how many substrings to return using string.Split:

string myString = "101.a.b.c.d"

var pieces = myString.Split(new[] { '.' }, 2);


csharp string split by length

                                static IEnumerable<string> Split(string str, int chunkSize)
    return Enumerable.Range(0, str.Length / chunkSize)
        .Select(i => str.Substring(i * chunkSize, chunkSize));

csharp split string

                                var lines = input
  .Split(Environment.NewLine, StringSplitOptions.None);