and in csharp

Code Example - and in csharp

                        /* && would work only if both is true for example */ bool a = 1==2 && 1=< 2; // would be false 
/* but if they are both true it would be true */ bool a = 1==1 && 1==1; // would be true

and operator in csharp

                                # plz suscribe to my youtube channel -->

int x=10, y=5;
Console.WriteLine("----- Logic Operators -----");
Console.WriteLine(x > 10 && y < 10);

or operator in csharp

                                int x=15, y=5;
Console.WriteLine("----- Logic Operators -----");
Console.WriteLine(x > 10 || 100 > x);

logical operators in csharp

                                int x=20;
Console.WriteLine("----- Logic Operators -----");
Console.WriteLine(x > 10)