Time delay csharp unity

Code Example - Time delay csharp unity

                        void start()

IEnumerator Text()  //  <-  its a standalone method
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(3)

delay in unity

                                Invoke("functionname", seconds);
// this is for C#

unity wait for seconds

                                void start() => StartCoroutine(MyIEnumerator());

IEnumerator MyIEnumerator()
	Debug.Log("Hello world!");
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
    Debug.Log("Goodbye world!");

wait in unity

                                IEnumerator wait(float waitTime){ //creating a function
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime); //tell unity to wait!!
    void Start(){
        wait(1); ///using function
        print("Good night")

waitforseconds unity

                                public void GameOver()
			//Set levelText to display number of levels passed and game over message
			levelText.text = "After " + level + " months, you starved.";

			new WaitForSeconds(6);



unity csharp delay function

                                void start()
  Invoke("DoSomething", 2);//this will happen after 2 seconds
void DoSomething()
	Debug.Log("2 seconds has passed!");

unity call function after delay

                                Invoke("function", 2f);//f for float