how to add multiple values in session in visual studio

Code Example - how to add multiple values in session in visual studio

                        // Saving in session
            System.Collections.Hashtable ht = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
            ht.Add("EmployeeName", "EmpName Value");
            ht.Add("Designation", "Designation Value");
            ht.Add("Department", "Department Value");
            Session["EmployeeInfo"] = ht;
            //Retrieve from session
            if (Session["EmployeeInfo"] != null)
                string strEmployeeName = ht.ContainsKey("EmployeeName") ? Convert.ToString(ht["EmployeeName"]) : "";
                string strDesignation = ht.ContainsKey("Designation") ? Convert.ToString(ht["Designation"]) : "";
                string strDepartment = ht.ContainsKey("Department") ? Convert.ToString(ht["Department"]) : "";