deactivate a gameobject unity

Code Example - deactivate a gameobject unity

                        public void SetActive(bool value);

how to disable a gameObject unity csharp

                                public GameObject gameObj;//the gameobject you want to disable in the scene

        gameObj.SetActive(true); //set the object to active
        gameObj.SetActive(false);//set the object to disable

        gameObject.SetActive(true);//change the state of the current gameobject to active
        gameObject.SetActive(false);//change the state of the current gameobject to disable

unity enable gameobject

                                GameObject.Find("PlayMenu 3").SetActive(false);
// you could also store a GameObject as  variable

unity enable and disable gameobject

                                GameObject GO = GameObject.Find("GameObjectName");

how to deactivate an object unity

                                Object.SetActive(true / false);

how to enable and disable gameobjects csharp

                                public Gameobject test;
