csharp get last day of month

Code Example - csharp get last day of month

                        DateTime.DaysInMonth(1980, 08);

get what week of the month csharp

                                static int GetWeekNumberOfMonth(DateTime date)
    date = date.Date;
    DateTime firstMonthDay = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
    DateTime firstMonthMonday = firstMonthDay.AddDays((DayOfWeek.Monday + 7 - firstMonthDay.DayOfWeek) % 7);
    if (firstMonthMonday > date)
        firstMonthDay = firstMonthDay.AddMonths(-1);
        firstMonthMonday = firstMonthDay.AddDays((DayOfWeek.Monday + 7 - firstMonthDay.DayOfWeek) % 7);
    return (date - firstMonthMonday).Days / 7 + 1;